Product inquiry

Regardless of whether you have business relationship with us or are a member, anyone may ask questions about any of our products. We will reply sincerely to your inquiry.

Product inquiry
Select product(s) for your inquiry.
  • You can write up to 600 words.
Consent to the collection, use and provision of personal information to a third party

1. Personal information to be collected

a. The company collects the following customer information for customer inquiries and consultation.

  • Essential items: name, mobile phone number, email, product for inquiry, inquiry

b. The following information can be automatically generated and collected in during your use of the service.

  • Service use record (connection date and time), connection IP, content of communications

2. Purpose of the collection and use of personal information

a. To provide services to OCI customers

b. To answer various questions and requests from customer through identify authentication, post notices for service improvement, change, and others

3. The retention and use period of personal information

If a customer does not want OCI to retain their personal information, they may apply for the deletion of personal information at any time, and the following information will be retained for a specified period for the following reasons.

Retention of information pursuant to the company’s internal policy

  • Retention items: Name, Phone number, E-mail address, Products for inquiry, Title, Content
  • Reasons for retention: To avoid confusion in service use and cooperation in the investigation of illegal users
  • Retention period: Until a request for the deletion of personal information is filed.
  • Answer to inquiries will be sent to the email you registered.
  • OCI shall notify matters regarding the collection and use of personal information to the extent to which consent is obtained, and shall not use it beyond the scope of your consent or provide it to other persons and institutions.