
We strive to earn the trust of shareholders, customers, members and suppliers by establishing sound and robust governance.

OCI is dedicated to earning the trust of customers and fulfills corporate social responsibility with the best technology and products as a global green energy and chemical company. To this end, OCI enacted the OCI Corporate Governance Charter and pledges to protect the rights and interests of its stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, members and community.

Read the charter

We always listen to the opinions of all shareholders and stakeholders and protect the following rights.

Convocation of extraordinary meeting of shareholders

In accordance with Article 542-6 of the Commercial Act, shareholders who have continued to hold stocks equivalent to no less than 1.5% of the total number of issued and outstanding shares of OCI for more than six months may request the convocation of an extraordinary meeting of shareholders.

Shareholder’s proposal

In accordance with Article 363-2 and 542-6 of the Commercial Act, shareholders who hold no less than 3 percent of the total number of issued and outstanding shares excluding nonvoting shares, or shareholders who have continued to hold stocks equivalent to no less than 0.5% of the total number of issued and outstanding shares of OCI with voting rights for more than six months may make a proposal in writing or by an electronic document that certain matters be raised as agenda items for an annual general shareholders' meeting. The board of directors will include shareholder proposals as purpose statements unless they violate statutes or the articles of incorporation, or meet rejection criteria under Article 12 of the Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act. When requested by the proposing shareholder, the agenda will be noted in the convocation notice, and the shareholder will have an opportunity to explain the proposal at the general shareholders’ meeting.

To maintain management stability and continuity and minimize uncertainty such as a management vacuum, OCI has established and manages a succession policy and cultivates candidates for representative director.

Read the charter

OCI transparently discloses the results of external ESG evaluations and remains committed to fulfilling its social responsibilities and implementing sustainable management practices.

Gold Medal in EcoVadis's ESG Evaluation

EcoVadis, the world’s largest and most reputable global ESG rating agency, evaluates over 130,000 companies across 180 countries in four key areas: Environmental Impact, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. In 2024, OCI ranked within the top 5% of companies in its industry, earning the prestigious Gold Medal.

Grade AA in Sustinvest’s ESG Evaluation

Sustinvest, an ESG assessment and investment advisory agency serving pension funds and institutional investors, evaluates around 1,000 publicly listed companies in Korea annually. OCI received the highest rating of ‘AA’ in the 2024 and was recognized as one of Korea’s top 100 companies for ESG performance, listed as an "ESG Best Company." 

YearIntegrated ratingEnvironmental (E)Social (S)Governance (G)

The ESG rating is based on the results of OCI, prior to spin-off

Comparison with the Code of Best Practices for Corporate Governance

Code of Best Practices recommendationsAdoption by OCI HoldingsRemark
Enactment of employee code of ethicsOEnacted Code of Ethics for Employees (May 2, 2023)
Composition of the Board of Directors (outside directors as majority)OAs of 2024, 60% (three of five)
Convening the Board of Directors regularlyOConvening the Board of Directors once a month
Cumulative votingX-
Vote in writingX-
E-votingOIntroduced by a resolution at the board of directors at the 1st general meeting of shareholders
Provision of information on directors prior to the convening of the Board of DirectorsOAgendas are distributed three days before the Board of Directors meeting
Disclosure of details of activities, attendance rate, and voting results on major agendas at the Board of DirectorsOPost business reports, quarterly and semi-annual reports, and governance report on the website
Installation of specialized committees under the Board of DirectorsOOutside Director Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, Management Committee, Remuneration Committee, Internal Trading Committee, ESG Committee
Enactment of regulation for the operation of the Board of DirectorsOEnacted regulation on the Board of Directors (May 2, 2023)
Enactment of regulation on the operation of committeesOEnacted regulations on the Outside Director Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Internal Transaction Committee, and ESG Committee (enacted on May 2, 2023)
Independence of outside directorsOPersons who have eligibility pursuant to the Commercial Act are nominated as candidates for outside director by the Outside Director Nomination Committee. Elected by the general meeting of shareholders
Purchase of insurance for directors at company expenseOPurchased liability insurance for all registered officers
Composition of Audit Committee (all outside directors)O-
Certification of the correctness of business reportsOConfirmed by the representative director and responsible officers
Analysis of differences with Code of Best PracticesOPost on the OCI website