
  • #Aluminum smelting

Raw material for electrode binders

Pitch is derived from the distillation of coal tar, a byproduct of the steel manufacturing process. It is used as a raw material for electrode binders used in aluminum smelting.

Based on its advanced technology and stable raw materials, OCI is a world-leading manufacturer of liquid pitch and is the only company in Korea that possesses pitch production technology. Pitch is derived from coal tar, a byproduct of the steelmaking process, and is mainly used as a raw material for electrode binders used in aluminum smelting.


Aluminum smelting

  • 고부가가치화
    High value-added

    Recycling steelmaking byproducts to produce high value-added materials

  • Global Top 3 Player
    Global Top 3 Player

    Supplying high quality liquid pitch to the world’s top aluminum manufacturers

  • 앞선 기술력
    Advanced technology

    OCI has sophisticated technology and sufficient production capacity to meet the various quality needs of customers

  • 1. Supply of
    raw materials

    OCI supplies pitch

  • 2. Processing

    Electrode binder manufacturers

  • 3. Final products
