Management information

To strengthen the professionalism of the Board of Directors, OCI appoints professionals in chemistry, law, accounting and finance as directors by considering their careers, specialization, interests and concurrent positions with other companies. Furthermore, OCI strives to maintain diversity in gender, age, race, ethnicity, and nationality.

Regulation on the Board of Directors
  • Teak-Joung Kim
    Representative Director / Vice Chairman
    Elected on May 2, 2023
    (Current) Vice Chairman, Korea Industrial Technology Association
    (Current) Director, Korea Specialty Chemical Industry Association
    COO (President), OCI Co., Ltd.
    Head (SEVP), RE Business Division, OCI Co., Ltd.
  • Yoo-Shin Kim
    President(CEO) & Representative Director
    Elected on May 2, 2023
    (Current) Director, Korea Petrochemical Industry Association
    (Current) Auditor, Korea Chlor Alkali Industry Association
    Head (Vice President), Chemical Business Division, OCI Co., Ltd.
    Head (Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President), Carbon Business Division, OCI Co., Ltd.
  • Tae-Gon Moon
    Chairman / Outside Director / Member of Audit Committee
    Elected on May 2, 2023
    CEO, Kangwon Land
    Senior Adviser, Yoon & Yang
    Standing Auditor, Samsung Life Insurance
    Director, Office of Planning and Coordination, and Second Deputy Secretary General, The Board of Audit and Inspection
    Secretary to the President for Public Office Discipline, The Blue House
  • Chin-Il Kim
    Outside Director/Member of Audit Committee
    Elected on May 2, 2023
    Head (Representative Director, President), Steel Production Division, POSCO CEO & President
    POSCO Chemtech Head (Vice President)
    Steel Production Division, POSCO
    General Superintendent, Pohang Works, POSCO
  • Won-Sun Jung
    Outside Director/Member of Audit Committee
    Elected on May 2, 2023
    (Current) Partner, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton
    Local partner, White & Case LLP
    Senior Associate, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
  • Term of Director: Three years from election
    The company purchased executive liability insurance for all registered executive officers.

Committees under the Board of Directors

* Chairman
  • Outside Director Nomination CommitteeManagement regulations
    Matters related to recommendation of director candidates, etc.
    Chin-Il Kim(*), Yoo-Shin Kim, Tae-Gon Moon, Won-Sun Jung
  • Remuneration CommitteeManagement regulations
    Matters related to remuneration, etc. of Directors
    Chin-Il Kim(*), Teak-Joung Kim, Tae-Gon Moon, Won-Sun Jung
  • Audit CommitteeManagement regulations
    Audit and inspection, etc.
    Tae-Gon Moon (*), Chin-Il Kim, Won-Sun Jung
  • Internal Trading CommitteeManagement regulations
    Matters regarding large-scale internal trading
    Won-Sun Jung(*), Tae-Gon Moon, Chin-Il Kim
  • Matters concerning sustainable management
    Yoo-Shin Kim (*), Tae-Gon Moon, Chin-Il Kim, Won-Sun Jung